Blog 1

Hi everiyone, welcome a my first blog, to day I going to writte about a country i would like to visit.

Exist many countries I would like to visit, it is hard to write about one in particular. I will Try!!!

In 2018 i ventured for the first time to take a trip with my friends, I worked hard and saved money, and we went to Bolivia!!!. An amazing country, I felt very well received by the Bolivians.

Their culture and their vision is very different from Chile. They are very connected with their culture and religion.

 I was on  7 places among them: Potosi, La Paz, Uyuni, Ururo, Cochabamba, Isla del Sol and Copacabana. Due to time and money issues I would have loved to stay longer in those places and visit other.This is why I would like to return to Bolivia and stay longer in Isla del Sol and Copacabana. It was really a wonderful experience to have been in that island, I would love to return there and spend more time with the people who live there. I would love to learn more about their culture, their political ideologies and go back there after the political and social changes that have emerged after the dictatorship of 2019.

I had the opportunity to visit Tiwanaku and was amazed by the archaeological city, I would love to learn more about the society that was created there and the mysteries that surround the architecture of the place. And finally I would like to go to the Bolivian Amazon, if I had the opportunity to live there I would really love and be very grateful to learn about the cultures and worldviews of the Indigenous Culture.

At this moment I love to remember the moments I lived there, I feel nostalgia and a great desire to work, save money and come back.

I hope you're all right, a hug :)

--> Copacabana

(Tihuanaco, puerta del sol)


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