in the summer

Hi, welcome to my second blog

The best vacation ever, was in January 2017, I went to Lican ray with my friend Monchana and their others friends (Trono, Pluma, Sofía, Maca and Valentina). We were there almost three weeks. Those weeks flew by, it was really funny.
We went to a small cabin near Calafquen lake, this cabin is very particularly, we were so much people there, barely we are distributed in two rooms, but this was no problem; we barely slept jajaaj. We went with little money, each one of us we had contributed with different provisions for order to survive in Lican ray. The daily menu every day consisted in rice and noodles with some aggregate. when it was time for lunch we barely wanted to eat jajaj. It sounds terrible but it was part of the experience!
What we did was go to the lake every day, there we pass nice moments, playing cards, swimming in the lake and getting sun. We visited different beaches of the lake, every day was a party, we visited nearby places like Villarica, Pucon and other places. It was an incredible vacations, we have so many anecdotes and it was my first vacation without my parents, so I will remember it.


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